Level Up Carpentry Camp

Carpentry & mindfulness basics.
Unplug from technology and immerse yourself in nature while learning basic carpentry skills.
We’ll build an A Frame and practice beginner mindfulness meditation.
We've teamed up with the community on a 40 acre property "Meadowstown" which has pristine, temperate rain forest, hiking trails throughout, medicinal wildflowers, natural springs and creek, 100 year old barn used as a community center. The camp is in close proximity to the Appalachian Trail and Asheville, NC.

In 2022, we've raised enough funds to support the build out of educational gardens to better serve the existing community and expand the services and resources Cicada provides - we bring you Level Up Carpentry Camp this summer!!
In preparation of camp, we will continue to put our gracious donors funding to use and improve upon the primitive camp setup for a Summer Camp for our Cicadas in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina.
**More Info & Application to Attend Summer Camp Coming Soon!**

Hear from a Cicada!